European Migration Network was established on 14 May 2008 with Council Decision 2008/381/EC. The latter states that the main aim of EMN is to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe. Structure of EMN consists of Commission’s representatives, National Contact Points (NCPs) in 27 member states and observer countries. Each NCP is delegated by national government. EMN actively cooperates with relevant EMN partners (Eurostat, Frontex, EASO, JRC, UNHCR, OECD etc.) which are included in preparation of EMN documents and other activities of the network.
European Migration Network was established on 14 May 2008 with Council Decision 2008/381/EC. The latter states that the main aim of EMN is to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe. Structure of EMN consists of Commission’s representatives, National Contact Points (NCPs) in 27 member states and Moldavia, Georgia and Norway which have observer status. Each NCP is delegated by national government. EMN actively cooperates with relevant EMN partners (Eurostat, Frontex, EASO, JRC, UNHCR, OECD etc.) which are included in preparation of EMN documents and other activities of the network.