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Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection

The inform on ‘Access to Autonomous Housing in the Context of International Protection’ delves into the dynamics of securing autonomous housing for beneficiaries and applicants of international protection. Unveiling the challenges faced by these individuals, this inform provides an overview of the different approaches and strategies employed by EMN Member Countries and Serbia to support…

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Annual report on migration and asylum 2022

Based on the contributions of the EMN National Contact Points, the report provides a comprehensive overview of national developments in the area of migration and asylum during 2022 in the EU Member States, Norway, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Armenia. The most significant event that marked this period was the influx of people escaping…

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Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes

Conflicts in different world regions have led to an increase in migratory movements to neighbouring countries, with approximately 72% of refugees and forcibly displaced persons in 2021 being hosted in developing countries. This has created an imbalance between developed and developing countries as well as resulting in people seeking alternative places of refuge through risky…
