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Inform on attracting and retaining researchers

How do Member States attract and retain international researchers? This EMN inform provides an overview of the means adopted by Member States to enhance attractiveness for international researchers, as well as main challenges and best practices to admit and retain them. Third-country researchers from non-EU countries can provide important expertise to European universities and other…

Inform on bilateral readmission agreements

This inform provides an overview of legally binding bilateral readmission agreements between the EU Member States + Norway and third countries. The inform examines how they work, whether they are effective, and how they are monitored and evaluated.   The inform can be found here.

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Inform on bilateral readmission agreements

What bilateral readmission agreements exist between EU Member States and third countries to facilitate the return of migrants staying irregularly on the EU territory? This EMN inform updates, checks and expands the existing information on legally binding bilateral readmission agreements by EU Member States and Norway. It highlights how these agreements have led to higher…

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Study on detention and alternatives to detention

What are the procedures established by Member States to place a person in detention or providing an alternative to detention? This EMN study provides a comparative overview of the similarities, differences, challenges, and best practices in the use of detention and alternatives to detention, in the framework of both international protection and return procedures. Among…

Study on third country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection

Trafficking in human beings is a crime against the victim’s fundamental rights. It can take several forms, such as sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery and servitude-related practices, as well as the removal of organs. This practice is prohibited under numerous EU and international instruments. Yet, persistent demand for sexual services and for low-wage…